
Atmospheric aerosol particles are complex mixtures of organic and inorganic compounds of varying sizes, posing a challenge to accurately represent their formation and growth in models. The primary goal of my research is to advance the understanding of the roles played by heterogeneous and multiphase chemistry in climate and air quality, this involves integrating novel mechanisms into aerosol models.

Peer-reviewed publications


  1. Liu-et-al-2024.png
    Yicen Liu ,  Yu Yao ,  Jeffrey H Curtis ,  Matthew West , and 1 more author
    Aerosol Science and Technology, 2024


  1. Wang-et-al-2022.jpg
    Yixiang Wang ,  Joseph V Puthussery ,  Haoran Yu ,  Yicen Liu , and 2 more authors
    Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022

Select conference presentations


  1. 2023-IAMA.JPG
    Modeling the seed-dependent particle growth via multiphase reactions with the particle-resolved model PartMC-CAMP (Oral)
    Yicen Liu ,  Jeffrey H Curtis ,  Matthew L Dawson ,  Devon N Higgins , and 2 more authors
    International Aerosol Modeling Algorithms Conference
    Davis, CA, United States, Dec 2023
  2. 2023-EES.JPG
    Quantifying the impacts of aerosol mixing state on heterogeneous N2O5 uptake coefficients with the particle-resolved model PartMC-MOSAIC (Oral)
    Yicen Liu ,  Jeffrey H Curtis ,  Matthew L Dawson ,  Devon N Higgins , and 2 more authors
    28th Environmental Engineering and Science Symposium
    Urbana, IL, United States, Apr 2023


  1. 2022-AAAR.JPG
    Quantifying the impacts of aerosol mixing state on heterogeneous N2O5 uptake coefficients with the particle-resolved model PartMC-MOSAIC (Poster)
    Yicen Liu ,  Yu Yao ,  Jeffrey H Curtis ,  Matthew West , and 1 more author
    40th American Association for Aerosol Research Conference
    Raleigh, NC, United States, Oct 2022
  2. 2021-SESE.png
    The impacts of aerosol mixing state on N2O5 reaction probability (Poster)
    Yicen Liu ,  Yu Yao ,  Jeffrey H Curtis ,  Matthew West , and 1 more author
    School of Earth, Society and Environment Research Review
    Urbana, IL, United States, Feb 2022